Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thing #10

Ok, this is a really cool way to keep up with things. I signed up for quotes of the day, Dilbert strips, About Cats, always learning and bloglines news. I tried to set up a Today in History, but I'm going to have to find it again.

I think this could be helpful in my personal life to keep up with things and I can see using the quotes in my classroom. I love using quotes as sponge activities to get kids thinking. I don't really see myself using it a lot in the classroom though unless I can find a blog on TX History. One thing I didn't see anywhere was if you can respond to the posts that you pick up in your e-mail without going to the website.

I like that the RSS allows you to just read what's new instead of digging through the tons of blogs out there. If there are indeed 50 million + blogs, even if I only choose 1 in 1 million I'd never be able to keep up. This allows you to just keep up with the updates.

Back when I was a figure skating fanatic, I would have loved this to keep up with all the latest in skating news.

I don't think I'm quite up to setting up a public page yet. Maybe some day, but not quite yet.


Wannabe said...

I am glad you mentioned quotes of the day - I didn't think of that! Reading everything people post is so helpful! I get caught up in the moment and forget about other things!

AMSHisteacher said...

I know what you mean. I seem to be stuck on this "Thing" as I try to keep up with my blogs and RSS