Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thing #11

Honestly, finding blogs on things I think were interesting was not as easy as I fought. I was surprised to find there wasn't much available on Harry Potter any more. There's not a This day in History site, that I could find again. I'd like to find something on teaching TX History. Some daily hints on using HOTS, things like that.

I tried bloglines search tool and technorati. I thought the technorati site was interesting. It had a lot of sites listed anyway. I may go back and look at feedster and some other sites. They were both pretty easy to use. I was shocked at how much there was on knitting.

There are a lot of unusual sites. Some seem to be usesless and others seem really great. I can see where blogs might cause confusion for students who have yet to learn to evaluate the validity of information and the difference between facts and opinions. It would require us to really focus on teaching students to evaluate sites.

There's so much potential in blogging. I can imagine setting up a blog site for my class. It might be a great way to get interaction.

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