Sunday, July 13, 2008

Thing # 16

I chose a Google start page and spent probably 45 minutes reading from my widgets and completing the NY Times Crossword puzzle. That made it so much fun. I had a great time getting things to keep me informed about all the different news and entertainment. I'm getting movie reviews, games, and political news. I chose google because I knew I would be able to get everything I needed there.

I also like that I'm using the google calendar so that I can make it all work together hopefully. I'd like to be able to add my daily calendar to the igoogle page so that when I open my page it pulls it up with all the rest of the information.

I have honestly never been good at creating and following to do lists. I am more likely to just scribble a note later so I think maybe stickits would be best for me. I read through all the differnet websites and I thought lifehacker was interesting.

One of the websites mentioned something called chalksites and that looked great. I'd like the immediacy of contact and communication it would allow. I'm so looking forward to getting things ready for the year.

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